In 1856 James J. Murphy in partnership with four of his brothers founded James J. Murphy & Co. Cork, Ireland.
Since then his name has been associated with only the highest quality for both the world famous Murphy's Irish Stout, Murphy's Irish Red Beer And also J.J. Murphy & Co. Irish Bars.

The Best food of a country is the traditional food which has been tried and tested over centuries.
Using the best products of that country, ingredients are combined to make dishes that suit the climate, reflect the character of the landscape, its people etc. Ireland is no exception. The food of Ireland is part of its history and civilization.
Here at J.J. Murphy's we believe in reliving history or, at least, maintaining a link with the lost pleasures that we can reawakened through the aromas, sights and tastes of simple, wholesome food. Serving all this in a traditional pub environment, helps bridge the link with Mother Ireland.
Irish people were expected to keep an open house….
It is a custom when at meal time, to sit with their doors open which is an invitation to those passing to enter and partake of their homely fare.
At J.J. Murphy & Co we are committed to keeping that tradition alive